電池安全性檢測設備 -> 電池針刺試驗機
試驗應在20℃的環(huán)境溫度下進行,將接有熱電偶的電池(熱電偶的觸點固定在電池大表面上)置于通風櫥中,用直徑2~8mm的無蝕銹鋼針以10mm/s~40mm/s的速度 刺穿電池最大表面的中心位置,并保持任意時間。
The test should be carride out in the environment at 20℃. Put the battery connected to thermocouple (with contacts fixed to th large surface of the battery) in the hood, penetrate the of the largest surface of the battery with 2~8mm diameter stainless steel needle at 10~40mm/s speed, and maintain any time.
粵公網(wǎng)安備 44190002003872號