Email:info@oven.ccPI - network Measurement
New State of the Art Features
? Multi-Tasking operation in Microsoft Windows? allows testing in background while generating reports and graphs
by operator
? Test limits such as Temperature range and ppm can be changed after actual testing, this gives better reports and
graphs presentation for customers
? Support both “Direct impedance measure” & “Phy. CL “ for FL measurement (Optional Phy CL head)
? User Programmable Drive Level : 10nW - 1mW ( max and min power depends on Rr of crystal )
? Crystal Measurement through passive ? network techniques with KH1800 / KH1820 network analyser
? Multiple crystal types may be accommodated in the same temperature run
? Automatic C0 cancellation for high frequencies
? User friendly system operation including menu driven, mouse operation and easy system calibration
? Perform pass/fail testing to user specified limits
? Stacked dual row test wheels can hold up to 508 crystals per chamber ( depends on crystal type )
? Measures : Fs, FL, Rs, CL, C0, C1, L1, Q, Ts, C0/C1, DF, DLD, Spurious scan, Fs/T, and FL/T
? Optional Chinese operating software
? Frequency Range : KH1120 or KH1800 (option) : 1 - 120 MHz
KH1240 or KH1820 (option): 1 - 240 MHz
Standard System Configuration
? KH1120 or KH1240 (option KH1800 or KH820) Crystal ? Network Analyser
? KH7700 System Operating Software & System Cabling
? KM5901 Switch Box
? Work table
? KH7220 Chamber (Option: KH7600 Chamber)
? Dual Row ? network test head and 4 inch cover (Optional : Stacked Dual Row ? Network Test Head and 8" cover)
? Dual row test wheel
? Industrial computer or Lenovo Computer (or compatible) with Windows? XP
System Options
? Dual Chamber, Multi-Task, Time sharing Testing
? Chinese Language Support
? Laser printer
Software Capabilities
Easy Test Set up and Operation
? The user friendly Windows? environment eliminates the need of remembering how to operate or program a
Other Standard Reports
? Printout of Crystal Failures
? Printout of Crystal Measurements
? Printout of Frequency and Resistance vs. Temperature
? Plot of Frequency and Resistance vs. Temperature
? Tabular Printout of the Curve-fit Data
? Data Transfer to other standard applications, such as dBase, Lotus etc. for further analysis
Typical Report Format
Specification herein are preliminary, and are subject to change without prior notice.
Photo shown is for reference only.
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