Dragon Air Streamer temperature cycling system
產品名稱: Dragon Air Streamer temperature cycling system
產品型號: Dragon
產品展商: Lab Companion
產品文檔: 無相關文檔
Dragon Air Streamer
Dragon is a fast and precise air stream temperature cycling system, from –80?C to +250?C, for various applications. An easy way to improve the reliability of electronic components and materials with thermal testing and characterization.
Dragon Air Streamer temperature cycling system
Dragon Air Streamer
Dragon is a fast and precise air stream temperature cycling system, from –80?C to +250?C, for various applications. An easy way to improve the reliability of electronic components and materials with thermal testing and characterization.
Temperature from –80?C to +250?C
Adjustable airflow from 2.2 to 8.4 l/s
Fast ramping: -55?C to +125?C = 7s +125?C to -55?C =14s
3 working methods: manual, automatic or programmable.
Compatible with automatic test equipment (ATE).
Continuous use (24/7).
In appliance with the international standard MIL-STD 883 and 750 temperature cycling (method 1010 & 1051) and JEDEC
Thermal test enclosure to fit for any demand.